Introduction to the Discounts area

Create money-off or percentage-based discounts for products, categories, groups, specific order amounts and more.


This section is split into two pages. The first page is the home page where you can quickly see all of your discounts in the grid. The second page is the edit page where you can view each discount in more detail and make any changes you need to.

Discounts Grid



The grid is where you can see, at a glance, all the discount you currently have set up. The name of each discount is listed, along with its code, discount amount, limit, how many have been used, its expiry date, and its current status.



The name field is where you can set or amend the name of this discount. This is never seen by your customers.



Here you can either enter your own code, or have one randomly generated.

Discount Type


You can set this discount to either be a percentage off the price of the basket, or a fixed value to subtract from the basket total.



This relates to the discount type, and is either the percentage or fixed value to subtract from the basket total.



You can set a limit for your discounts so that they can only be used a certain number of times. Uncheck the box for the discount to be unlimited. You can see how many times this discount has been used so far.



This is where you set the rules to choose which products this discount should apply to. For more information regarding rules take a look at the Rules documentation.



You can set whether or not to make this discount active in your shop right away.

Date Range


Here you can set when the want the discount to run from and until when. If you choose you can have the discount to have no end date, and just continue on running for eternity.