How to setup Mailchimp Integration with Shopblocks

2. Create an account or sign-in.

3. Click “Services” across the top

4. Select “Mailchimp”

5. Login with to your Mailchimp account or create a new one. You will be asked to authorize Shopblocks to access your Mailchimp account. This access is required for the integration to work.

6. In Chain, click "Services" across the top

7. Select "Mailchimp"

8. Click "Set up Mailchimp"

9. In another tab or window, login to your Mailchimp account

10. In the URL bar at the top of the browser, find the subdomain e.g. "".
We are looking for the identity of the Mailchimp server which will almost always be the first section directly after "https://" and before the first "." so in this example "us1" is the part we need. 
Please note this is variable and is tied to the specific Mailchimp account.

11. Paste the server name we took from the subdomain in step 10 into the "Mailchimp Server" input in Chain - in this example "us1" is our server name

12. Save

13. Click “Recipes” across the top

14. Click install on “Shopblocks To Mailchimp Contact

15. Click “Chains” across the top

16. Select “Shopblocks To Mailchimp Contact”

17. In your mailchimp account, find the Audience Name for the list you want to use for the integration. 
Please see Mailchimp's guide on where to find this information at:

18. Copy the Audience Name from Mailchimp and paste this into List ID box in Chain and save

19. Copy the Webhook URL at the top of the page and open up your Shopblocks admin area

20. Go to Settings

21. Click on “Manage Webhooks”

22. Click on add a new web hook in the top right of the screen

23. Paste in the URL

24. Set the Event as “Order Saved” and save the webhook